For those who are our
St.herb families through out the world.
This is type of product purchase system that we have made
to encounter our partners that are interested in making
sales through on-line or off-line by using our web-site
template as a business tool. Advantages
Given a very cheap price to purchase the products.
Don't have to buy in large quantities as the import price.
Not be given time limitations on purchasing the next order.
Be getting assistance or guidance on new info of our products.
Fast profits within few sales.
Should be able to keep stock of the products in hand.
Above are the advantages you'll get when you choose 'wholesale
price' of product purchase system by doing this will gain
profit in very short period of time because your web site
will be holding the retail price of the products based
on our www.stherb.com's product price lists. So you are
actually earning the profits by the cheap 'wholesale price'
that you have bought and selling them in much higher price.
Disadvantages :
Have to take the responsibility of shipment and the import
Must be able to support your governments FDA regulations.
Holds the responsibility in keeping the stock and its
Since you still have to import the products you'll be
taking the responsibility of tax, shipping expenses, stock,
and FDA regulations of your country. Attention
If your retail price in the web-site is cheaper than ours
you'll discharged from the partnership and remove all
the contracts.
But you can sell them at a higher or equal price from
ours. Definition :
In the wholesale system you'll get something very similar
to the importer business terms. But not all.
You'll have the products in one shipment quantity but
in much less amount than the import quantities. But we
will not send small parcels to any of your costumers.
But you still will have to go thorough the old export
and import system such as; tax, documents to import goods,
FDA documents, and others.
In this system you get also a wed-site as a simple tool
to promote your products. |